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Know your values - Start your career from zero

"Values" is one of six key elements to knowing who you are. Knowing your values is the royal route to self-knowledge because your actions in response to them disclose and build character. Your values are even more important than your goals because you can nearly always choose to live by your values even if you don't achieve your goals.

In the midst of daily living, dreams, personal ideals, talents, and even personality features may appear unimportant. However, being conscious of these features can provide you with a wealth of information about your inner self. Certainly, daily priorities are crucial. However, a life that consists solely of going through the motions is unlikely to give much satisfaction.

If you want to achieve the greatest level of success in both your personal and professional lives, you must live both according to your values. Spending some time determining your essential personal life values can help you figure out what you value the most. These ideals will be reflected in the work you do.

There's no better time for self-exploration than the present, so here are some tips to get you started.

What Are Values?

Values are the concepts or beliefs that you hold dearest and that are most important in your life. Your basic principles will always be there for you when everything around you changes when the world is brutal to understand and ride the emotional roller coaster.

Values are significant because they serve as a compass to guide you toward the beautiful life you desire, no matter where you are in the world. Not only that, but having the correct values may help you make better decisions, be more productive, achieve more, and, maybe most importantly, love and be loved.

Values Important to start a Career from Zero

One of the essential variables that will guide your decisions is your career values. These values will assist you in deciding on a potential employer or position. Your professional values reflect your views on what is important in your job and what makes it relevant to you. So, let's dive into it!!!

1. Explore your passions

Passions help people find meaning and purpose in their lives. Perhaps your desire to serve others led you to medicine, but your current job in medical billing doesn't fully satisfy your need to deliver compassionate care. Finding the job you desire and understanding the processes required for a career move could be part of living out your passion. Perhaps it's looking at methods to offer your services as a street medic.

Remember that passions don't necessarily have to be complicated or related to your work. Consider what you do with your free time regularly.

2. Evaluate Your Skills

Most people have a special talent for something – be it crafts, home renovation, cooking, or any other ability. Take some time to think about your unique abilities and how you might use them as part of your self-discovery process. Perhaps your friends always ask you to plan their parties or your neighbours ask you for gardening advice regularly.

Using your skills hones them, which can increase your confidence. Greater self-confidence, in turn, can encourage you to keep exploring these talents, along with any others you may not have noticed before.

3. Learn New Things

Learning works best when it's treated as a lifelong process. Take the time to learn more about something you've always wanted to know more about. Books, manuals, and online resources can all help you learn a lot, especially if you want to improve your technical abilities or learn about historical or scientific subjects. Apps may help you learn anything from meditation to foreign languages, so if you have an interest, seek it up - chances are you'll find something useful.

4. Observe yourself and learn

Be aware of the decisions you make as you go through life. Put a label on the values that drive your main professional and personal decisions over many days. Examine whether the ideals you selected above are reflected in your everyday life. If not, what values do you express or live by on a daily basis? Do you see any trends? If you experience a lot of dissatisfaction with your choices, you may not be living up to your values, or you may need to re-evaluate what is most important to you.

5. See a Career Counsellor

Job choices, employment decisions, and career transfers are all influenced by your values. You might value "financial security," "helping," or "being my own boss (autonomy)," for example. Each of those values could bring you down a different route in your career. That's why career counsellors have a vast arsenal of tactics and inventories, including values inventories (self-report assessments with no right answers).

6. Research about Your Job Market

Knowing what your competitors know isn't enough. Go to the depths. Immerse yourself in your market and research it as if you were an expert.

Look up terms relating to your industry on Google. Don't be discouraged if the market appears to be saturated. You can take advantage of this. It means it's working for them, and you can make it work for you as well. There is money to be found there.

7. Build a Foundation

It's time to lay a foundation once you've figured out what abilities you'll need to succeed in that position. At this stage, the most effective learning resources are (surprise, surprise) books and courses. Books are great for getting a high-level, conceptual knowledge of things, whereas courses are great for learning the specific skills you'll need on a daily basis.

8. Connect with Real World

One of the most common misunderstandings regarding professional experience is that it can only be obtained by working full-time for a company. This isn't accurate at all. All you need is a real-world experience, either professionally or not. This allows you to expand your skills and displays that you can manage your time and pursue your goals.

9. Start Now and Improve Yourself

Before starting a career, a lot of individuals waste time worrying about getting everything just right. It's a waste of time to do this. You just fix your target, plan a route to achieve and go for it without thinking further. Definitely, you will reach your goal today or tomorrow!

Develop Your Core Values

Your core values will also help you to achieve your desired goal. So you have to develop them also. The values might be:

1. Acceptance

The ability to accept what you can control and what you can't control. Being able to understand that on some days, you are the hammer, and other days you are the nail. With acceptance as a core value, you can build either way and be happy while doing it.

2. Adaptability

Life is going to throw you curveballs after curveballs, and if you aren't ready for them, you are going to strike out. Your life and the life of those you surround yourself with are far too complex to confine yourself to one mould. Be adaptable and ready, and willing to change when you need to.

3. Awareness

Awareness is one of the best core values that you can adopt. Period. Awareness means paying attention to yourself, to others, to the world around you, to emotions, to situations. It means being able to see everyone and everything clearly – most importantly yourself.

4. Balance

There are going to be times when you need to sprint in life and other times when you are going to need to slow down. The yin and the yang. Balance is one of the most important core values in many ancient cultures because it reflects nature for what it truly is: perfectly balanced and able to bend rather than break.

5. Calmness

As well as being in a sublime state of mind, many people forget that calm is a simple decision to make. You can be calm in any situation should you allow yourself to be. No amount of angry drivers, long queues or frustrating technology can penetrate you when you adopt calmness as a core value.


Every one of us is a social creature, whether we believe it or not, and community has been a key core value for us as a species for thousands of years. We are hard-wired to socialise, eat, drink, gossip, laugh, tell stories, share ideas, give and receive amongst ourselves. The community also enhances the effect of other core values on this list, such as creativity.

7. Compassion

Compassion is taking the time to understand the suffering of others and, hopefully, being able to do something about it. There is a lot of struggle and suffering that can be alleviated in the world; with a core value like compassion, you might be able to help your fellow humans in some meaningful way.

8. Creativity

With technology taking most of the administrative jobs, creative people are going to be leading us into the future. Someone who cherishes creativity is able to think up new and big ideas, see things that other people can't and see the world around them through their own lens, not somebody else's.

9. Discipline

Discipline will lead you to the life you want and adopt it as a core value. "Discipline Equals Freedom" and what it means is that if you can be disciplined in the right things, you will be free in the right things too. Discipline to workout means more freedom in your body as you age. Discipline to save means more freedom with your time and money in the long term. And so it goes.

10. Knowledge

Knowledge is power. Not power in the 14th-century medieval banker-sense but in power to change your own life-sense. Knowledge about yourself, others, and the world allow you to understand everything that you see a bit better. When you see things for what they are, you can act accordingly and get to where you want to be.

11. Leadership

It takes guts, determination, confidence and humility to lead. All of these qualities are both rare and admirable and are the reason why leadership is such an excellent core value. The future is dark and unknown but also full of hidden treasures. We need someone to lead us, will it be you?

12. Responsibility

Nobody likes having to take the dog on a walk, having to clean the dishes or do things that they are reluctantly responsible for. However, responsibility can be an excellent way to add meaning and value to your life. When other people depend on you and you fulfil your role as provider, not only are they better off, but you get the satisfaction that comes along with it too.

You're in charge of the journey, but don't feel afraid to meander off the main path. Just be courageous and walk along with your own career path. Today or tomorrow, success will touch your feet!


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